

Sub-model used in the parent Models of Schema, Table, and Column.


Name Type Description
id int ID of the RDBMS object
title str Title of the RDBMS object
description str Description of the RDBMS object
name str Name of the RDBMS object
ds_id int Data source ID for the RDBMS object
key str Period delimited, Fully Qualified Name of the RDBMS object
url str Relative url of the object in alation.
custom_fields list A list of CustomFieldValueItem objects containing custom field information relative to the RDBMS object


Sub-model used in the parent Models of SchemaItem, TableItem, and ColumnItem. These python objects are used to create RDBMS objects in Alation.


Name Required Type Description
title FALSE str The title of the RDBMS object
description FALSE str Description of the RDBMS object
key TRUE str Period delimited, Fully Qualified Name of the RDBMS object
custom_fields FALSE list A list of CustomFieldValueItem objects containing custom field information relative to the RDBMS object


Sub-model used in the parent Models of SchemaParams, TableParams, and ColumnParams. These optional Model items used to filter the response of the returned data from the get functions.


Name Type Description
id set filter by id of the object
name set filter by object name
ds_id set Unique identifier of the data source
id__gt set filter by id greater than a value
id__gte set filter by id greater than or equal to a value
id__lt set filter by id lesser than a value
id__lte set filter by id lesser than or equal to a value
name__contains set filter by object name containing the given string
name__startswith set filter by object name starting with the given string
name__endswith set filter by object name ending with the given string
ds_id__gt set filter by data source id greater than a value
ds_id__gte set filter by data source id greater than or equal to a value
ds_id__lt set filter by data source id lesser than a value
ds_id__lte set filter by data source id lesser than or equal to a value


Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_schemas that represents a schema in Alation.


Name Type Description
db_comment str Comments on the schema from the data source. Defaults to empty text if not passed in the request.


Python object used to create a Schema in Alation and passed in the parameter schemas as a list in the function post_schemas.


Name Type Description
db_comment str Comments on the schema from the data source. Defaults to empty text if not passed in the request.


Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_schemas.


Inherits attributes from BaseRDBMSParams


Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_tables that represents a table in Alation.


Name Type Description
table_type str The type of the table. Value can be TABLE, VIEW or SYNONYM. Defaults to TABLE.
schema_id int Id of the schema object associated with the table
schema_name str Name of the schema object associated with the table
sql str Data definition language (SQL query) associated with table or view.
table_comment str Comments/information on the table from the source database.


Python object used to create a Table in Alation and passed in the parameter tables as a list in the function post_tables.


Name Required Type Description
table_comment FALSE str Comments/information on the table from the source database. Defaults to empty text if not passed in the request.
table_type FALSE str The type of the table. Value can be TABLE, VIEW or SYNONYM. Defaults to TABLE.
table_type_name FALSE str The datasource specific name.
owner FALSE str Name of the database account that owns this table.
sql FALSE str Data definition language (SQL query) associated with table or view.
base_table_key FALSE str The API key for referencing the base table when the table type is a SYNONYM. Note: Make sure the base_table_key is a valid and exists in the catalog.
partition_definition FALSE str The name/information of the partition from the source database.
partition_columns FALSE list List of partition columns.


Optional Model item used to filter the response of the returned data from the get function get_tables.


Name Type Description
schema_id set filter by schema id
schema_name set filter by schema name
name__iexact set filter by object name case insensitive exact match
name__icontains set filter by object name containing the given string, case insensitive match
name__istartswith set filter by object name starting with the given string, case insensitive match
name__iendswith set filter by object name ending with the given string, case insensitive match
schema_id__gt set filter by schema id greater than a value
schema_id__gte set filter by schema id greater than or equal to a value
schema_id__lt set filter by schema id lesser than a value
schema_id__lte set filter by schema id lesser than or equal to a value
schema_name__iexact set filter by schema name case insensitive exact match
schema_name__contains set filter by schema name containing the given string
schema_name__icontains set filter by schema name containing the given string, case insensitive match
schema_name__startswith set filter by schema name starting with the given string
schema_name__istartswith set filter by schema name starting with the given string, case insensitive match
schema_name__endswith set filter by schema name ending with the given string
schema_name__iendswith set filter by schema name ending with the given string, case insensitive match


Model of the index that the column is associated with.


Name Type Description
isPrimaryKey bool If the column is a primary key then true else false.
isForeignKey bool If the column is part of a foreign key then true else false. Associated column in the referencedColumnId field.
referencedColumnId str API key of the column being referenced from the datasource.
isOtherIndex bool If the column is a part of any other index it is true else false. Associated column in the referencedColumnId field.


Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_columns that represents a column in Alation.


Name Type Description
column_type str The string describing the type of the column
index ColumnIndex Define the index that the column is associated with, it is of type ColumnIndex
nullable bool Field to indicate if the column can contain null values.
schema_id int filter by schema id
table_id str filter by table id
table_name str filter by table name
position int Position of the column in the table.


Python object used to create a Column in Alation and passed in the parameter columns as a list in the function post_columns.


index: ColumnIndex = field(default=None)
Name Required Type Description
column_type TRUE str The string describing the type of the column. eg. int, varchar(100)
column_comment FALSE str A comment field that stores a description of the column which is ingested from the source system.
nullable FALSE bool Field to indicate if the column can contain null values.
position FALSE str Position of the column in the table. Defaults to 0 if not passed in the request.
index FALSE ColumnIndex Define the index that the column is associated with. It is of type ColumnIndex


Optional Model item used to filter the response of the returned data from the get function get_columns.


table_name__endswith: set = field(default_factory=set)
Name Type Description
name__iexact set filter by object name case insensitive exact match
name__icontains set filter by object name containing the given string, case insensitive match
name__istartswith set filter by object name starting with the given string, case insensitive match
name__iendswith set filter by object name ending with the given string, case insensitive match
table_id set filter by table id
table_name set filter by table name
table_id__gt set filter by table id greater than a value
table_id__gte set filter by table id greater than or equal to a value
table_id__lt set filter by table id lesser than a value
table_id__lte set filter by table id lesser than or equal to a value
table_name__iexact set filter by table name case insensitive exact match
table_name__icontains set filter by table name containing the given string, case insensitive match
table_name__istartswith set filter by table name starting with the given string, case insensitive match
table_name__iendswith set filter by table name ending with the given string, case insensitive match
table_name__contains set filter by table name containing the given string
table_name__startswith set filter by table name starting with the given string
table_name__endswith set filter by table name ending with the given string
schema_id set filter by schema id
schema_id__gt set filter by schema id greater than a value
schema_id__gte set filter by schema id greater than or equal to a value
schema_id__lt set filter by schema id lesser than a value
schema_id__lte set filter by schema id lesser than or equal to a value



get_schemas(query_params: SchemaParams = None) -> list

Query multiple Alation RDBMS Schemas.


  • query_params (SchemaParams): REST API Get Filter Values.


  • list: Alation RDBMS Schemas.


post_schemas(ds_id: int, schemas: list) -> bool

Post (Create or Update) Alation Schema Objects.


  • ds_id (int): ID of the Alation Schemas’ Parent Datasource.
  • schemas (list): Alation Schemas to be created or updated.


  • bool: Success of the API POST Call(s)


get_tables(query_params: TableParams = None) -> list

Query multiple Alation RDBMS Tables.


  • query_params (TableParams): REST API Get Filter Values.


  • list: Alation RDBMS Tables.


post_tables(ds_id: int, tables: list) -> bool

Post (Create or Update) Alation Table Objects.


  • ds_id (int): ID of the Alation Tables’ Parent Datasource.
  • tables (list): Alation Tables to be created or updated.


  • bool: Success of the API POST Call(s)


get_columns(query_params: ColumnParams = None) -> list

Query multiple Alation RDBMS Columns.


  • query_params (ColumnParams): REST API Get Filter Values.


  • list: Alation RDBMS Columns.


post_columns(ds_id: int, columns: list) -> bool

Post (Create or Update) Alation Column Objects.


  • ds_id (int): ID of the Alation Columns’ Parent Datasource.
  • columns (list): Alation Columns to be created or updated.


  • bool: Success of the API POST Call(s)


Get Schemas

import allie_sdk as allie

alation = allie.Alation(

# Get Schemas  
params = allie.SchemaParams(ds_id=3)
    get_schemas_result = alation.rdbms.get_schemas(query_params=params)

Create Schemas

import allie_sdk as allie

alation = allie.Alation(

# Create Schemas 
schema = allie.SchemaItem(title='Finance Schema', description='This is the Finance schema', key='2.finance')
post_schemas_result = alation.rdbms.post_schemas(ds_id=2, schemas=[schema])