


Individual list item returned in the stewards field of the item BusinessPolicy.


Name Type Description
id int The API ID of the steward assigned to the policy.
otype str Type of steward. Response is either user or groupprofile
otype_display_name str The display name of the otype. Response is either User or Group Profile
name str The name of the steward. Response is either the name of the individual user or Steward for groups.
title str The title of the steward.
url str The Alation url of the steward
deleted bool Deleted status of the steward
snippet str  
photo_url str The Alation url to the photo of the steward
email str The email of the steward


Sub-model used in the parent Models of BusinessPolicy and BusinessPolicyPutItem.


Name Type Description
id int The API ID assigned to the policy.
title str The title of the policy.
description str The discription of the policy


Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_business_policies that represents a policy in Alation.


Name Type Description
otype str the Policy object type name, value being business_policy.
ts_created datetime The ISO 8601 formatted date of when the policy was created.
stewards list A list of BusinessPolicyStewardsField objects with information on the stewards that are associated to the Policy.


Python object used to create a BusinessPolicy in Alation and passed in the parameter business_policies as a list in the function create_business_policies.


Name Required Type Description
title TRUE str The title of the Policy.
description FALSE str The description of the Policy.
template_id FALSE int The ID of the custom template to be assigned to this Policy.
policy_group_ids FALSE list A list containing the Policy Group IDs that this Policy should be a member of.
fields FALSE list A list of CustomFieldValueItem objects containing custom field information relative to the custom template ID specified by template_id. This will get updated as metadata content for this Policy.


An item returned as part of the field policy_group_ids in the item BusinessPolicyPutItem containing the Policy Group operation that this Policy should be a member of and array of respective policy group IDs.


Name Type Description
add list A list of integer IDs of policy groups to be added to the existing set of associated policy groups policy.
remove list A list of integer IDs of policy groups to be removed from the existing set of associated policy groups
replace list A list of integer IDs of policy groups to be freshly associated. As a result, any existing set of associated policy groups will be overwritten


Python object used to update a BusinessPolicy in Alation and passed in the parameter business_policies as a list in the function update_business_policies.


Name Required Type Description
template_id FALSE int The ID of the custom template to be assigned to this Policy.
policy_group_ids FALSE BusinessPolicyGroupIds Item containing the Policy Group operation that this Policy should be a member of and array of respective policy group IDs.
fields FALSE list A list of CustomFieldValueItem objects containing custom field information relative to the custom template ID specified by template_id. This will get updated as metadata content for this Policy.


Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_business_policies.


Name Type Description
id int The integer ID of the policy to return
search str Filter by Policy title
deleted bool Will return only deleted entities when set to true.



get_business_policies(query_params:BusinessPolicyParams = None) -> list:

Query multiple Alation Business Policies and return their details


  • query_params (BusinessPolicyParams): REST API Business Policy Query Parameters. Returns:
  • list: Alation Business Policies with each item being represented as a BusinessPolicy object


create_business_policies(business_policies: list[BusinessPolicyPostItem]) -> bool

Create Business Policies in Bulk


  • business_policies: list of BusinessPolicyPostItem objects


  • List of JobDetails: Status report of the executed background jobs.


update_business_policies(business_policies: list[BusinessPolicyPutItem]) -> list

Bulk Update Business Policies in Bulk


  • business_policies: list of BusinessPolicyPutItem objects


  • List of JobDetails: Status report of the executed background jobs.


delete_business_policies(business_policies: list[BusinessPolicy]) -> bool

Delete an Alation policy.


  • business_policies: list of BusinessPolicy objects to be deleted.


  • bool: Success of the API DELETE call.


Create a policy

import allie_sdk as allie

alation = allie.Alation(

# Create a Policy 
policy_item = allie.BusinessPolicyPostItem(
    title='PII Policy',
    description='Policy outlining PII in our organization',
create_policy_result = alation.business_policy.create_business_policies(policy_item)