
There are at least four error types that an Allie-SDK based request call can return:

  • Data type validation error: For POST, PUT and PATCH payloads Allie SDK validates the data type(s) you submit for the payload (usually via the validate_rest_payload() method).
  • Value Validation: For POST, PUT and PATCH payloads Allie SDK in some cases checks whether valid values were set for certain fields (usually this is implemented as part of the generate_api_post_payload() method).
  • Batch error: Allie SDK will batch your payload if it is above a certain threshold. If anything goes wrong with batching your payload, an error will be thrown. Applies to async jobs only and the following methods: POST, PUT, PATCH.
  • Request error: errors returned from the requests module.
  • Invalid Payload: Some Async Alation API endpoints validate the payload before submitting the request. If the payload is invalid, an error will be reported, usually with hints on how to fix the problem.

Important: The execution of a job might be successful, but this doesn’t mean that the request was overall successful. In some cases (e.g. for the Data Quality API endpoint) the API endpoints returns some additional information (e.g. that a certain object was not found and that hence the object couldn’t be created). So while overall the status is shown as successful, always check the returned response to understand if your request was really successful.

We made an effort make the data structure of these error messages consistent by mapping them to a data class of type JobDetails or similar. In a nutshell, the top level structure will always contain the following properties:

  • status: this is either successful or failed
  • msg: a brief error message.
  • result: any other details

So you should always be able to use the status property to evaluate whether a job was executed successfully or not.

Note: If you find that this is not the case with a specific API call, please issue an Issue on GitHub.

Async POST, PUT and PATCH requests should always return a list of objects based on the JobDetails data class or similar. Why is a list returned you might wonder? This is because Allie-SDK batches your payload and for each batch one job is executed.

Synchronous POST, PUT, PATCH and also DELETE requests return usually one object based on the JobDetails data class or similar.

Request error

This is an error returned from the requests module on any of the methods (GET, PATCH, POST, PUT).

Example of this could be:

  • connection problem
  • wrong endpoint URL
  • etc

A note to Allie-SDK developers: This is handled by the _map_request_error_to_job_details method in

Invalid Payload

Some Async Alation API endpoints validate the payload before submitting the request. If the payload is invalid, no job id will be returned but instead details about what makes the payload invalid. Allie-SDK logs these payload violations. The reason why we only log it and not return it is because you can’t really base any subsequent logic on it: In example, if the payload validation returns an error that the data source id does not exist, we cannot magically fix this within the code. So these errors are best just logged out.

Batch error

Note: This applies to async jobs only and the following methods: POST, PUT, PATCH.

These are any errors resulting from attempting to batch your payload.

A note to Allie-SDK developers: This is handled by the _map_batch_error_to_job_details method in