Data Health



Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_data_quality_fields.


Name Type Description
key str The unique key that was assigned to the rule on ingestion.
name str The human-readable label for the rule.
description str The assigned description of the given rule.
type str The data type of values associated with rule. Values are NUMERIC, STRING, or BOOLEAN.
ts_created datetime The ISO 8601 formatted date of when the rule was created.


Python object used to create a DataQualityRule in Alation and passed with multiple objects in the list parameter dq_fields in the function post_data_quality_fields.


Name Required Type Description
field_key TRUE str The unique key for the rule being set up in Alation.
name TRUE str The human-readable label for the rule.
type TRUE str The data type of values associated with rule. Allowed values are NUMERIC, STRING, or BOOLEAN.
description FALSE str Allows for decoration of the rule to fully describe the context of the rule .


Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_data_quality_fields.


Name Type Description
key set The unique key(s) that was assigned to the rule on ingestion.


Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_data_quality_values.


Name Type Description
object_key str The applied object’s api_key. It is used to uniquely identify an object in Alation.
object_name str The applied object’s name.
otype str The applied object’s object type. An otype is used in conjunction with its oid to uniquely identify an object in Alation.
oid int The applied object’s id. An oid is used in conjunction with its otype is used to uniquely identify an object in Alation.
source_object_key str The original object’s api_key that the rule was applied on.
source_object_name str The original object’s name.
source_otype str The original object’s otype that the rule was applied on.
source_oid int The original object’s oid that the rule was applied on.
value_id int The applied value’s id.
value_value any The applied value’s value.
value_quality str The applied value’s quality.
value_last_updated datetime The value’s last updated timestamp in ISO-8601 format.
value_external_url str The applied value external url.
field_key str The applied field’s key.
field_name str The applied field’s name.
field_description str The applied field’s description.


Python object used to create a DataQualityValue in Alation and passed with multiple objects in the list parameter dq_values in the function post_data_quality_values.


Name Required Type Description
field_key TRUE str Unique key for a rule that has been set up in Alation. The field must already exist or in the fields array to be valid.
object_key TRUE str The api key descriptor for a catalog object.
object_type TRUE str Required descriptor with values of ATTRIBUTE, TABLE, SCHEMA that act as a hint for api key resolution.
status TRUE str The status of the object on application of the rule. Allowed values are GOOD, WARNING, or ALERT.
value TRUE any The value associated with the execution of a rule on target object.
url FALSE str External or relative URL that allows pointing to specific site for further information about rule.
last_updated FALSE str ISO 8601 formatted date time string indicating when the value was last updated.


Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_data_quality_values.


Name Type Description
object_key set Filter values on those applied indirectly by the related object’s api_keys.
source_object_key set Filter values on those applied directly to a source object’s api_key.
field_key set The unique key that was assigned to the rule on ingestion.
value_quality set Filter values by their quality.
hide_related bool Setting this to true will hide values that have been propagated to related objects.



get_data_quality_fields(query_params: DataQualityFieldParams = None) -> list

Query multiple Alation data quality fields.


  • query_params (DataQualityFieldParams): REST API Get Filter Values


  • list: Alation data quality fields with each item represented as a DataQualityField object


get_data_quality_values(query_params: DataQualityValueParams = None) -> list[DataQualityValue]

Query multiple Alation data quality values.


  • query_params (DataQualityValueParams): REST API Get Filter Values


  • list: Alation data quality values with each item represented as a DataQualityValue object


post_data_quality_fields(dq_fields: list) -> list[JobDetailsDataQuality]

Post (Create) Alation data quality fields.


  • dq_fields (list): Alation data quality fields to be created. Each item in the list must be a DataQualityFieldItem object


  • list of job details


delete_data_quality_fields(dq_fields: list) -> list[JobDetailsDataQuality]:

Delete Alation data quality fields.


  • dq_fields (list): Alation data quality fields to be deleted. Each item in the list must be a DataQualityField object


  • list of job details


post_data_quality_values(dq_values: list) -> list[JobDetailsDataQuality]

Post (Create) Alation data quality values.


  • dq_values (list): Alation data quality values to be created. Each item in the list must be a DataQualityValueItem object


  • bool: list of job details


delete_data_quality_values(dq_values: list) -> list[JobDetailsDataQuality]

Delete Alation data quality values.


  • dq_values (list): Alation data quality values to be deleted. Each item in the list must be a DataQualityValue object


  • bool: list of job details


See /examples/