Custom Fields



Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_custom_fields that represents a custom field in Alation.


Name Type Description
id int The API ID of the custom field in Alation
allow_multiple bool Filter to allow the API to return more than one custom field. Only used when field_type is OBJECT_SET`.
allowed_otypes list Indicates what object types are allowed as values for this field.
backref_name str The text shown as the title for a Custom Field Backreference on an Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field.
backref_tooltip_text str The tooltip text shown when hovering over the title of a Custom Field Backreference on an Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field.
builtin_name str A special, read-only string value used to uniquely identify built-in Custom Fields provided by Alation.
field_type str The type of Custom Field
name_plural str The plural name for the Custom Field
name_singular str The singular name for the Custom Field
options list Required and used only when the field_type is PICKER or MULTI_PICKER. Provides a list of string values for the available options that can be selected with these fields.
tooltip_text str The tooltip text shown when hovering over the title of a Custom Field


Python object used to create a CustomField in Alation and passed in the parameter custom_fields as a list in the function post_custom_fields.


Name Required Type Description
allow_multiple FALSE bool Used only when field_type is OBJECT_SET (Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field). false means the Field is a Reference Field, while true means the Field is either Object Set or People Set. Defaults to false if not specified.
allowed_otypes FALSE list Required and used only when field_type is OBJECT_SET (Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field). Indicates what object types are allowed as values for this field.
backref_name FALSE str The text shown as the title for a Custom Field Backreference on an Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field. Required when field_type is set to OBJECT_SET.
backref_tooltip_text FALSE str The tooltip text shown when hovering over the title of a Custom Field Backreference on an Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field.
field_type FALSE str The type of Custom Field, one of DATE, MULTI_PICKER, OBJECT_SET, PICKER, or RICH_TEXT
name_plural FALSE str The plural name for the Custom Field. Required when field_type is set to MULTI_PICKER, or when field_type is set to OBJECT_SET and allow_multiple is set to true (Object Set and People Set Fields only; Reference Fields do not use this).
name_singular FALSE str The singular name for the Custom Field. Always required.
options FALSE list Required and used only when the field_type is PICKER or MULTI_PICKER. Provides a list of string values for the available options that can be selected with these fields.
tooltip_text FALSE str The tooltip text shown when hovering over the title of a Custom Field.


Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_custom_fields.


Name Type Description
id set Filter by Custom Field ID
allow_multiple bool Filter by allow_multiple. Only used when field_type is OBJECT_SET.
field_type set The field type to filter by
name_plural set Filter by an exact match on name_plural.
name_plural__contains set Filter by a case-sensitive substring on name_plural.
name_plural__icontains set Filter by a case-insensitive substring on name_plural.
tooltip_text set Filter by an exact match on tooltip_text.
name_singular set Filter by an exact match on name_singular.
name_singular__contains set Filter by a case-sensitive substring on name_singular.
name_singular__icontains set Filter by a case-insensitive substring on name_singular.
tooltip_text set Filter by an exact match on tooltip_text.
tooltip_text__contains set Filter by a case-sensitive substring on tooltip_text.
tooltip_text__icontains set Filter by a case-insensitive substring on tooltip_text.


Python object used in the Models BaseCustomFieldValue: A single string values for custom fields that we receive as part of the response/returned payload gets mapped to this data class.


Name Required Type Description
value FALSE str A string value


Inherits from CustomFieldStringValue.

Python object used to return a string value in the Models CustomFieldValueItem.


Python object used to return a dictionary value in the Models BaseCustomFieldValue.


Name Required Type Description
otype FALSE str The Alation otype of the object
oid FALSE int The Alation oid of the object


Inherits from CustomFieldDictValue.

Python object used to return a dictionary in the Models CustomFieldValueItem.


Sub-model used in the parent Model of CustomFieldValue.


Name Type Description
field_id int The id of the specified Custom Field as an integer.
ts_updated datetime ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the value was last updated.
otype str The type of the object.
oid int The id of the object.
value str Contents of Field Values. Data structure depends on the type of field.


Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_custom_field_values


Name Type Description
field_name str The name of the field


Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_custom_field_values.


Name Type Description
oid set The object id of the specified object with a Custom Field Value
otype set The object type(s) with the Custom Field Value as a string
field_id set The id of the specified Custom Field



get_custom_fields(query_params: CustomFieldParams = None) -> list:

Get the details of all Alation Custom Fields.


  • query_params (CustomFieldParams): REST API Get Filter Values.


  • list: list of Alation Custom Fields


get_custom_field_values(query_params: CustomFieldValueParams = None) -> list:

Get the details of all Alation Custom Field Values.


  • query_params (CustomFieldValueParams): REST API Get Filter Values.


  • list: list of Alation Custom Field Values.


get_a_builtin_custom_field(field_name: str) -> CustomField:

Get the details of a Builtin Alation Custom Field.


  • field_name (str): Name of the Builtin Custom Field.


  • CustomField: Alation Custom Field.


get_a_custom_field(field_id: int) -> CustomField:

Get the details of an Alation Custom Field.


  • field_id (int): ID of the Alation Custom Field.


  • CustomField: Alation Custom Field.


post_custom_fields(custom_fields: list) -> bool:

Post (Create) Alation Custom Fields.


  • custom_fields (list): Alation Custom Fields to be created.


  • bool: Success of the API POST Call(s).


put_custom_field_values(custom_field_values: list, batch_size: int = 10000) -> bool:

Put (Update) Alation Custom Field Values.


  • custom_field_values (list): Alation Custom Field Values to be updated.
  • batch_size (int): REST API PUT Body Size Limit.


  • bool: Success of the API PUT Call(s).


Get a custom field

import allie_sdk as allie

alation = allie.Alation(

# Get custom field  
get_field_result = alation.custom_field.get_a_custom_field(field_id=7)

Get custom field values

import allie_sdk as allie

alation = allie.Alation(

# Get custom field values 
params = allie.CustomFieldValueParams(otype='table', oid=2, field_id=5)
get_field_values_result = alation.custom_field.get_custom_field_values(params)