Custom Fields
Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_custom_fields
that represents a custom field in Alation.
Name | Type | Description |
id | int | The API ID of the custom field in Alation |
allow_multiple | bool | Filter to allow the API to return more than one custom field. Only used when field_type is OBJECT_SET `. |
allowed_otypes | list | Indicates what object types are allowed as values for this field. |
backref_name | str | The text shown as the title for a Custom Field Backreference on an Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field. |
backref_tooltip_text | str | The tooltip text shown when hovering over the title of a Custom Field Backreference on an Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field. |
builtin_name | str | A special, read-only string value used to uniquely identify built-in Custom Fields provided by Alation. |
field_type | str | The type of Custom Field |
name_plural | str | The plural name for the Custom Field |
name_singular | str | The singular name for the Custom Field |
options | list | Required and used only when the field_type is PICKER or MULTI_PICKER . Provides a list of string values for the available options that can be selected with these fields. |
tooltip_text | str | The tooltip text shown when hovering over the title of a Custom Field |
Python object used to create a CustomField
in Alation and passed in the parameter custom_fields
as a list in the function post_custom_fields
Name | Required | Type | Description |
allow_multiple | FALSE | bool | Used only when field_type is OBJECT_SET (Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field). false means the Field is a Reference Field, while true means the Field is either Object Set or People Set. Defaults to false if not specified. |
allowed_otypes | FALSE | list | Required and used only when field_type is OBJECT_SET (Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field). Indicates what object types are allowed as values for this field. |
backref_name | FALSE | str | The text shown as the title for a Custom Field Backreference on an Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field. Required when field_type is set to OBJECT_SET . |
backref_tooltip_text | FALSE | str | The tooltip text shown when hovering over the title of a Custom Field Backreference on an Object Set, People Set, or Reference Field. |
field_type | FALSE | str | The type of Custom Field, one of DATE , MULTI_PICKER , OBJECT_SET , PICKER , or RICH_TEXT |
name_plural | FALSE | str | The plural name for the Custom Field. Required when field_type is set to MULTI_PICKER , or when field_type is set to OBJECT_SET and allow_multiple is set to true (Object Set and People Set Fields only; Reference Fields do not use this). |
name_singular | FALSE | str | The singular name for the Custom Field. Always required. |
options | FALSE | list | Required and used only when the field_type is PICKER or MULTI_PICKER . Provides a list of string values for the available options that can be selected with these fields. |
tooltip_text | FALSE | str | The tooltip text shown when hovering over the title of a Custom Field. |
Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_custom_fields
Name | Type | Description |
id | set | Filter by Custom Field ID |
allow_multiple | bool | Filter by allow_multiple. Only used when field_type is OBJECT_SET . |
field_type | set | The field type to filter by |
name_plural | set | Filter by an exact match on name_plural. |
name_plural__contains | set | Filter by a case-sensitive substring on name_plural. |
name_plural__icontains | set | Filter by a case-insensitive substring on name_plural. |
tooltip_text | set | Filter by an exact match on tooltip_text. |
name_singular | set | Filter by an exact match on name_singular. |
name_singular__contains | set | Filter by a case-sensitive substring on name_singular. |
name_singular__icontains | set | Filter by a case-insensitive substring on name_singular. |
tooltip_text | set | Filter by an exact match on tooltip_text. |
tooltip_text__contains | set | Filter by a case-sensitive substring on tooltip_text. |
tooltip_text__icontains | set | Filter by a case-insensitive substring on tooltip_text. |
Python object used in the Models BaseCustomFieldValue
: A single string values for custom fields that we receive as part of the response/returned payload gets mapped to this data class.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
value | FALSE | str | A string value |
Inherits from CustomFieldStringValue
Python object used to return a string value in the Models CustomFieldValueItem
Python object used to return a dictionary value in the Models BaseCustomFieldValue
Name | Required | Type | Description |
otype | FALSE | str | The Alation otype of the object |
oid | FALSE | int | The Alation oid of the object |
Inherits from CustomFieldDictValue
Python object used to return a dictionary in the Models CustomFieldValueItem
Sub-model used in the parent Model of CustomFieldValue
Name | Type | Description |
field_id | int | The id of the specified Custom Field as an integer. |
ts_updated | datetime | ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the value was last updated. |
otype | str | The type of the object. |
oid | int | The id of the object. |
value | str | Contents of Field Values. Data structure depends on the type of field. |
Individual list item returned in the response of the function get_custom_field_values
Name | Type | Description |
field_name | str | The name of the field |
Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_custom_field_values
Name | Type | Description |
oid | set | The object id of the specified object with a Custom Field Value |
otype | set | The object type(s) with the Custom Field Value as a string |
field_id | set | The id of the specified Custom Field |
get_custom_fields(query_params: CustomFieldParams = None) -> list:
Get the details of all Alation Custom Fields.
- query_params (
): REST API Get Filter Values.
- list: list of Alation Custom Fields
get_custom_field_values(query_params: CustomFieldValueParams = None) -> list:
Get the details of all Alation Custom Field Values.
- query_params (
): REST API Get Filter Values.
- list: list of Alation Custom Field Values.
get_a_builtin_custom_field(field_name: str) -> CustomField:
Get the details of a Builtin Alation Custom Field.
- field_name (str): Name of the Builtin Custom Field. Possible values: title, description, business_glossary_status, steward.
: Alation Custom Field.
get_a_custom_field(field_id: int) -> CustomField:
Get the details of an Alation Custom Field.
- field_id (int): ID of the Alation Custom Field.
: Alation Custom Field.
post_custom_fields(custom_fields: list) -> list[JobDetailsCustomFieldPost]:
Post (Create) Alation Custom Fields.
- custom_fields (list): Alation Custom Fields to be created.
- list of job details
put_custom_field_values(custom_field_values: list, batch_size: int = 10000) -> list[JobDetails]:
Put (Update) Alation Custom Field Values.
- custom_field_values (list): Alation Custom Field Values to be updated.
- batch_size (int): REST API PUT Body Size Limit.
- list of job details
See /examples/