


Python object returned by the get_domains method:


Name Type Description
id integer Domain object id
title string Title of the Domain object
description string Description of the Domain object
parent_id integer The id of the domain’s parent, if it has one.


Optional item used to filter the response of the returned data from the function get_domains.


Name Type Description
parent_id integer The id of the parent of the domain


Python object used to create a Domain Membership and passed in the parameter domain_membership in the function assign_objects_to_domain.


Name Type Description
id int Domain id, to which objects will be added.
exclude bool Should it unassign objects from the domain? (By default, it’s false. i.e. it will assign the objects to the domain.)
recursive bool When enabled, will automatically include children of the specified objects as members of the domain. When recursive is set to true, children of the specified objects will automatically be included as members of the domain. Available for the following object types: data (data sources), schema, table, article, bi_server, bi_folder, bi_report, bi_datasource, and glossary_v3 (glossaries). When adding or excluding recursively, try to avoid applying redundant or overlapping domain assignments, as it may cause additional load and delays in applying domain membership assignments. For example, if a schema and its children are already assigned to a domain, recursively assigning that same domain to the schema’s parent data source creates redundant assignments for the schema. Recursive membership assignment is best used when targeting isolated and unconnected sets of objects, for example multiple independent schemas or multiple articles that are not part of the same child tree.
oid list[int] List of object IDs to be assigned to the domain.
otype str otype of the Catalog Objects



get_domains(self, query_params: DomainParams = None) -> list[Domain]

Get all domains and their details.


  • query_params (DomainParams): REST API Get Filter Values.


  • list: list of Alation Domains


assign_objects_to_domain(self, domain_membership: DomainMembership) -> DomainMembership

Enables you to assign Alation objects (e.g. documents) to a given domain.


  • domain_membership: Alation DomainMembership object


  • In async mode it will return the job details (JobDetails) otherwise the result of the domain assignment (which includes the domain id and the id of the assigned objects).